The best Japanese aikido hakama, gi and obi from Iwata brand

Export-Manga offers you handmade aikido products of the prestigious brand “Iwata Aikikai Aikido” from the heart of Japan. High quality products crafted at the traditional house of Japan’s most prestigious official mark of Aikikai (in fact Iwata Shokai is very close to the Hombu dojo, Aikido world headquarters). In this video we show mutual trust and close relationship (after many consecutive years working together) of the owners of Iwata and the components of the “export-manga team.” And they put their trust…

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Japanese traditional handcrafts

Export-manga brings you the most exclusive traditional japanese pottery. Use them at home as kitchen utensils for the most special moments, or as decoration to give your home a more japanese style. These are authentic pieces handmade in Japan by pottery experts. Important: not chinese replica. These are original pieces that japanese chefs used in traditional restaurants in cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto or Osaka. * All purchases have another surprise gift free tool Any of the six objects has…

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Banpresto Naruto Ichiban Kuji Shippuden Figures

Take away the two most sought and spectacular figures of Naruto Shippuden: Naruto Figure – Banpresto Naruto Shippuden  Ichiban Kuji A Naruto Figure – Kakashi Shippuden Banpresto  Ichiban Kuji C Naruto’s figure has a height of 20 cm. This is a real statue that looks like a resin figure. Kakashi’s figure has a height of 13 cm but a much more horizontal deployment. The breakdown of these figures is absolutely spectacular and it was only possible to acquire them drawing…

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The best aikido hakama, gi and obi from Japan Iwata brand

The other day we went with our cameras to Okubo, one of the legendary districts of Tokyo, there is placed the korean area for bars, restaurants and entertainment (part of Shin-Okubo as well) and also the traditional aikido Store known as Iwata. Specifically located in the neighborhood of the hundred men, Hyakunin-cho (百 人 町). This name was due to the Hyakunin-shu of Okubo (大 久保 百 人 众), the hundred men of Okubo, a police force specialized in handling…

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New japanese culture asociation’s opening event.

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Export-manga se complace de presentar a la nueva asociación juvenil sevillana dedicada a la difusión de la cultura japonesa “Orochi Seiyou Nippon Shakai”, cuya jornada de presentación será este mismo sábado 10 de Abril en la capital andaluza. Enviamos desde Japón todo nuestro apoyo para que…

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