
This morning began just like any other; with me in a borderline comatose state, gulping down some much needed coffee. After staring at a wall for a good while, my eyes fixated on the Ram figure standing on the table before me and a thought came to me. Where is Rem? Indeed, Ram & Rem are like mornings & coffee – you can’t have one without the other! I turned to my loyal ally, the internet, for help and soon enough…

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Tokyo Adventures: Animate Ikebukuro & Anime Corner

Whaz dap! It’s rainy season going on here in Japan at the moment, but it doesn’t matter as long as you have an umbrella with you and go visit some stores that have lots of awesome stuff waiting for you! Few days ago I was in Ikebukuro to visit the Head Office of a store chain named Animate and to see what kind of place it is. Animate is focused on anime, manga and game products and it’s Japan’s largest retailer of the said things.…

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Tokyo Adventures

Hello! I’m Joonas, a 23-year-old student from Finland, and I will be travelling around Tokyo for one month with my girlfriend Paju. I’m going to tell you about my travelling experiences and many different kinds of things that I find here – including anime, manga, figures, cosplay, electronics and so on…..the kind of things I’m into as well. Akihabara is one of my favorite places here in Tokyo, and it will be probably the place where I’ll be spending most…

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