Personal guide service Japan. Guided tours around Tokyo and surroundings.

DISCOVER JAPAN PERSONAL GUIDE SERVICE – GUIDED TOURS 日本の文化を紹介する 個人観光ガイドサービス On our website we have reopened a guide service focusing mainly on Tokyo and the nearby prefectures (Chiba, Saitama, Ibaraki, Tochigi) and more interesting sites for the traveler (Hakone, Nikko, Kamakura, Yokohama, etc.) The guides can be for one person or for several, of several days or hours and we adapt to the needs of the traveler, what most interests him to see, visit, eat, etc. We also have pick-up…

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Dragon Ball Broly the movie and Fate Stay Night Lawson limited edition products

On our trip we have stopped at a Lawson that is one of the combini  (コンビニ) or convenience store opened usually 24 hours a day anywhere in Japan. In this case, we could find limited edition items from the Fate Stay Night series and the Dragon Ball Broly movie only available on the Lawson chain. At the same time, a terrible snowfall, at times whirlwind and snowstorm was going on outside. For those of you who want one of these limited-edition Lawson…

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This morning began just like any other; with me in a borderline comatose state, gulping down some much needed coffee. After staring at a wall for a good while, my eyes fixated on the Ram figure standing on the table before me and a thought came to me. Where is Rem? Indeed, Ram & Rem are like mornings & coffee – you can’t have one without the other! I turned to my loyal ally, the internet, for help and soon enough…

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