The best Japanese aikido hakama, gi and obi from Iwata brand

Export-Manga offers you handmade aikido products of the prestigious brand “Iwata Aikikai Aikido” from the heart of Japan. High quality products crafted at the traditional house of Japan’s most prestigious official mark of Aikikai (in fact Iwata Shokai is very close to the Hombu dojo, Aikido world headquarters). In this video we show mutual trust and close relationship (after many consecutive years working together) of the owners of Iwata and the components of the “export-manga team.” And they put their trust…

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Spanish wins a japanese television contest singing anime songs

The Spanish Amir Garcia, won a contest for Japanese television program called Sanma’s Super Karakuri Terebi, a program seen by 10 million people, in which Amir Garcia sings several Anime songs in Galician and Japanese such as Dragonball. Also nostalgic anime songs for the seventies as Commando G “Gatchaman” (ガッチャマン) and Mazinger Z. Some of the anime songs were arranged version (替え歌) with autobiographical content. Two auditions with over 300 people, all Japanese and a final contest with 20 contestants…

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The aikido of Osensei Ueshiba Morihei through the master Hirosawa Hideo SenseiEl aikido de Osensei Ueshiba Morihei con el maestro Hirosawa Hideo Sensei大先生植芝盛平の合気道 を介して廣澤英雄 師範

Aikido Iwama Embukai (Hideo Hirosawa Shihan, O’sensei) His name is Hideo Hirosawa and he is the last pupil of the founder of aikido Ueshiba Morihei known as O’sensei (grand master). This 71 years old smiling gentleman, after 51 years of constant training has decided to publicize the aikido as his master conceived it in his posthumous years. He has been the only uchideshi (internal student) who has lived and care of the founder every day the last 3 years of…

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Saint Seiya Artbooks Chevaliers du Zodiaque Jump Gold Selection Anime Special

Quels sont Jump Gold Selection Anime Special? Les Jump Gold Selection sont trois Data Books (livres contenant des informations sur une série particulière) consacrés entièrement à Saint Seiya série tv (Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque). Ils ont été vendus en kioske il y a une dizaine d’année et n’ont donc depuis pas été réédités ! Ces bouquins comportent environs 130 pages et comportent plus de pages en “papier journal” que de pages couleurs ! Mais le contenu de ces trois ouvrages…

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