Ordering a la carte: we send you anything from Japan, our ninjas are everywhere

To celebrate this new year 2017, in export-manga.com we have changed our look and we are also implementing our online search service. Remember that export-manga is the only store located in the heart of Japan and which offers you a personalized and exclusive online search service to find what you are looking for. Martial arts items and clothing, aikido, manga, anime, merchandising, crafts, technology, video games * …

We have a group of people working 24 hours a day and tracing old products and not so old as well, the latest in the market… Whatever it is: limited editions that you are not able to find or old collectible retro products. Just send us your request, your most sought-after item or the one you already want and nobody can offer you … it will be a challenge for us to find it! As they say in Japan: Banzai !!!
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Merry Christmas 2017 from Japan: the best in aikido goods, merchandising, anime, manga, technology and japanese culture

One more year we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from the rising sun.

This time in 2017, a year we hope to be as prosperous and happy as possible.

Remember that you can consult us anything you need; Not only with respect to our products and services but also regarding anything related to Japan. We will help you as much as possible.
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The world of Ghost in the Shell

The world of Ghost in the Shell

The world of Ghost in the Shell

Philosophy and spirituality: metal souls. The Tao of cybernetics.

Perhaps it was this film and will continue again with its continuation the most emblematic title within a way to understand the “anime” that constitutes much of the image that this one has acquired in the West: technological future and often dark, spectacular action sequences and almost always vertiginous contrasts to pauses conducive to meditation (when not for sleep) and approaching vital and even philosophical issues … In short, a film in the line of another great superproduction, Akira with which it shares diverse elements, as a remarkably ethnic soundtrack


In the game of comparisons and definitions, which usually happens when you introduce something new, Ghost in the Shell is the animated equivalent of a hypothetical Blade Runner (Director’s Cut) II in which Ridley Scott and James Cameron had collaborated. The establishment of all the abundant parallels remains in the hands of the reader as an intellectual pastime, but there is a point of divergence that is vital: the final solution given in most American films on cybernetics is usually reassuring, reaffirming the value of humanity as species or as an attribute to be reached and / or maintained by robots and ciborgs, which contrasts strongly with many Japanese works such as this one.
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¡Nuevos vuelos a Tokyo y Shanghai desde Madrid!

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¡Buenos días amigos de Export-Manga! desde este lunes, Iberia nos informa que a partir del 18 de octubre de este mismo año empezarán a volar a Tokyo y Shanghai directo desde Madrid, sin necesidad de las anteriores escalas en distintos países europeos a las que estábamos acostumbrados.

Parece que el tráfico de pasajeros asiáticos ha aumentado en los últimos años, y por ello la empresa española de aviación ha dispuesto comunicar la capital del país con las dos ciudades de extremo oriente.

Aunque la venta de vuelos empieza ahora mismo, no será hasta octubre para el caso de Tokyo y un poco más tarde para Shaghai que empezarán a volar 3 días a la semana: lunes, miércoles y sábados.

Si habéis visitado (o planificado) Japón, os habréis perdido entre las miles de opciones para hacer escala en vuestro viaje, eligiendo entre Inglaterra, Alemania, Finlandia, Rusia… a partir de este otoño podréis ahorraros una parada y llegar directos desde Madrid. Personalmente un alivio, he tenido problemas en Heathrow que no se repetirán (mi sueño, combinado con el exceso de cafeína del personal del aeropuerto, más su nula capacidad para escuchar).

El precio del billete de ida y vuelta rondará los 612€, bastante similar a los actuales, a no ser que encontremos ofertas flash o precios de grupo. Vamos, ¡que son todo ventajas! Cada vez hay menos excusas para visitar el país del sol naciente.

Para más información, AQUÍ tienes la noticia en la web de Iberia, con los horarios planeados y más información al respecto.

Embroider your aikido clothes now!

Dear aikidokas, the chance of embroiding your training clothes is again available in Export-Manga, made in the same Iwata workshop, in a simplier and faster way than before: we have a new set of selectors.

bor1 enYou can easily find the section pointing on “Aikido Iwata”, or directly clicking on this image above. There you can choose the spot where you want your embroider, and once inside, the thread color, writing type and orientation if available.

Although instructions come in the inner description of every product, the process is the same for all of them:

  1. First you choose the clothes to embroider, there is a product for each one, and once inside we will set the details.
  2. Choose the color of the embroider, and if it is a hakama or keikogi choose its orientation too (in the second image of every product there will be a diagram with the available orientations, with letters if there are different options, and in the third image you can see a more detailed color list)
  3. We choose the writing type: hiragana, katakana, kanji or romaji (you can search about their appearances and uses on the net, but better contact us before if you want kanji)
  4. Finally, we will buy as many units of the product as letters has the word we want in western alphabet, and with that we’ll have the bill. An example: we want to write Barry, we’ll need to buy 5 units, as it has 5 letters.
  5. Once we are going to pay, in the extra comment box you will have to write the word so we can tell the workshop, but if you forget it and you complete the process, remember you can contact us.

No more to say, we wish you like and take advantage of this new option in customizing your high quality Iwata training uniforms, brought to your home by Export-Manga, directly from Japan.