Tokyo Adventures: Animate Ikebukuro & Anime Corner

Whaz dap!

It’s rainy season going on here in Japan at the moment, but it doesn’t matter as long as you have an umbrella with you and go visit some stores that have lots of awesome stuff waiting for you!

Few days ago I was in Ikebukuro to visit the Head Office of a store chain named Animate and to see what kind of place it is. Animate is focused on anime, manga and game products and it’s Japan’s largest retailer of the said things. You can find Animate stores all around Japan. It’s a really good shop for those who are looking to buy japanese manga books and magazines, light novels, anime, or anything that’s related to these two. That includes posters, pins, notebooks, illustration books, stuffed toys – anything you can think of. You can even find some snacks with these themes!

If you ever visit Japan, Animate is one of the shops that you should visit even if you aren’t interested in that kind of stuff, because it’s gives a good view to just how important part anime and manga are in the japanese culture and how popular it is. And you will be surprised how many different items you can find which are made to fit anime/manga format.

And next is time for “Anime Corner” which will tell you a little bit about the animes that are featured in the pictures at the end of this post 🙂

Anime Corner

LoveLive!” is a multimedia project built around a fictional school idol group μ’s. It’s really popular in Japan at the moment and this summer they released the first movie about it, and that’s why you can see lots of posters and advertisements everywhere. It started as a manga in Dengeki G’s magazine and later they have released two anime seasons and the movie mentioned above, rhythmic games and music CD’s. I liked the anime and I still play the tablet version of LoveLive!’s rhythm game. It’s really fun and there are new events to play almost on a weekly basis! (and most important it’s free :D) So check it out, there is a high chance you get hooked up if you are into that kind of stuff.

Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka                          There Is as well a picture of the goddess Hestia who is one of the characters from anime/manga named Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. (Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon). It’s one of my favorite animes at the moment and I hope that they will make a second season of it in the near future. The story is about a boy named Bell Cranel who wants to become the best adventurer in the world. (And of course become popular with girls :D) This anime reminds me a little about Sword Art Online, and the main characters voice actor (Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) is also voicing the main character Kirito in Sword Art Online. I really recommend for you to check out this series if you like adventure/fantasy animes seasoned with little ecchi elements :3

That was all for today, see ya next time!

Muere Tama, jefa de la estación de Kishi

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Que fallezca un empleado ferroviario no suele ser noticia, a no ser que este empleado SEA UNA GATA, como es el caso de Tama, que llevaba casi 10 años a cargo de la estación de Kishi en Japón.


 Todos conocemos la obsesión con los gatos que puebla el este asiático, pero puedes no conozcer la historia de “esa gata que ha conseguido más ascensos en el trabajo que tú”.

Tama empezó a trabajar en la estación de Kishi, a cargo de la empresa Wakayama Electric Railway en 2006. En ese año, tras ser una estación poco transitada, sufrió un recorte de plantilla que prescindió de los empleados que hasta entonces la operaban y dejó al cargo al dependiente de un ultramarinos de las cercanías, el cual todos los días, probablemente debido al exceso de ocio de una estación tan “tranquila”, daba de comer a los gatos que se reunían en sus alrededores. En enero de 2007 la gata entra a formar parte de la plantilla, vistiendo el uniforme ferroviario como todo empleado que se precie.

Este hecho causa de todo menos indiferencia, y de repente, la estación que nadie usaba se ve abordada por la avalancha de gente que acude a ver al animal, aumentando la afluencia de la línea y convirtiéndose en un referente para el turismo.


Desde entonces, Tama no hizo más que ascender en su puesto hasta alcanzar el rango no sólo de jefa de estación, ¡sino presidenta honorífica en 2013! La empresa decoró uno de sus trenes con dibujos de Tama tanto en su interior como en su exterior, costumbre ya en Japón, como la línea de autobuses comunitarios Hachiko en Shibuya.

Tama llegó a los 16 años en abril, y moría el 25 de junio de un fallo cardíaco. El martes 28 se celebró su funeral en la misma estación, que reunió a más de 3000 personas para despedir al felino.

Tokyo Adventures


I’m Joonas, a 23-year-old student from Finland, and I will be travelling around Tokyo for one month with my girlfriend Paju. I’m going to tell you about my travelling experiences and many different kinds of things that I find here – including anime, manga, figures, cosplay, electronics and so on…..the kind of things I’m into as well.

Akihabara is one of my favorite places here in Tokyo, and it will be probably the place where I’ll be spending most of my time during this trip. Hope you will enjoy!

About those few pictures from Akihabara below. Chuo-Dori is the main street in Akihabara and it has lots of tax-free shops, souvenir shops, small and big electronic stores and the kind of stores which sell manga/anime related products. Many of those shops started in the backstreets of Akihabara, but made their way to success and got a spot on the main street.

There is as well one picture from the backstreets that I mentioned when I was talking about Chuo-dori. It’s as well “the territory of maids“, that means if you want see maids that is totally one of best places to spot them. Those streets are full of little electronic-, game-, manga/anime- and eroge-shops, and of course maid-cafes.

Taito station is one of the many game centers in Akihabara. There you can play many different games (exmpl. UFO-catcher) and win different kind of anime/manga related prices, such as figures and stuffed toys.

Akibaoo is one of my personal favorite electronic shops in the backstreets. (Though there is one in the Chuo-dori as well.) In the backstreets you can find maybe ten of these shops and there is small differences to what you can find in each of them. Mostly you can find various electronic related products with cheap prices.


One Piece Christmas anime pack: magnetic blackboard and mechanical pencil

Interested in buying this pack? email right now!


– A metal candy case (with no candy,for your safety,it’s not us being gluttons… this product has its time and candy would be rotten )
– 3 sets of mines for 0,5mm, mechanical pencil/propelling pencilwith a gashapon each set. Sets are: Zoros’s 2B grey, Luffy’s orange/red and Sanji’s 6 color rainbow set.
– A magnetic blackboard with a erasable black marker, perfect to fit your fridge and forget about post-its (think about the poor trees). THIS BLACKBOARD NEEDED TO BUY A CAR TO BE OBTAINABLE… yes, a car, not a writing mistake.

Full Metal Alchemist anime bundle: artbook and Roymustang’s emblem

Interested in buying this pack? email right now!


– A metal keychain with Roy Mustang’s emblem (the transmutation circle braid on his gloves)
– #1 and #2 artbooks from the first anime (not Brotherhood)
– An illustration book by Hiromu Arakawa, the author of the manga, with illustrations for manga publications and designs for the first anime series
Databook of the first anime,all you wanted to know… with the best anime illustrations