Reserve your Pokemon Green Limited Edition Nintendo 2DS [20th Anniversary]

Pokemon turns 20 and Nintendo plans to release to their japanese market a brand new Nintendo 2DS Limited Edition (well, new… the console is 2 years old, but this edition is new!). It remains to the old transparen plastic cases the GameBoy had in the old days, the days this saga began. Of course, Export-Manga heard this news and we will give you the chance to reserve yours throw our online shop. Although Red and Blue versions of this already made their…

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Sapporo’s Yuki Matsuri, the snow festival

We in Export-Manga wish you had a nice holiday, coming from a neverending summer in the mayority of the north hemisphere, finally the temperatures fall, important rains and… SNOW!!! I don’t know if you like snow, but I was born in a coast village and have rarely seen it and play snowball wars… in fact, it was almost 30 years ago when I saw snow as a child and barely stood on my feet, and had one of my hands…

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Aikido Weapons Iwama limited edition bokken, jo, tanto

Aikidoka & Budoka friends. Excelent chance to own a bokken, jo ,or Tanto made of japanese white oak, 100% original with Aiki seal, the same as the ones used by O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba’s students, Aikido founder, like Morihiro Saito, Hitohiro Saito and actually master Hideo Hirosawa. Brought to you directly from Japan and crafted by the Saito family. They are limited edition, as each one of them lasts nearly three years to be made. Varnishing is not needed, as we use them and take contact with the bokken or jo,or Tanto, the natural grease of our hands will turn them softer and change from white to a toast…

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Tokyo Adventures: Hachiko

Heyaa! Today a little about Hachiko statue. I’m going to tell you the story behind Hachiko, so you will understand the meaning behind this statue, which is as well a famous meeting spot just next to Shibuya’s world famous “Shibuya crossing”. The Story of Hachiko Hachiko was a golden brown male Akita which Professor Hidesaburo Ueno took as pet in 1924. Hachiko was very fond of his master, and every day he would wait for the professor to come home from…

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Tokyo Adventures: Animate Ikebukuro & Anime Corner

Whaz dap! It’s rainy season going on here in Japan at the moment, but it doesn’t matter as long as you have an umbrella with you and go visit some stores that have lots of awesome stuff waiting for you! Few days ago I was in Ikebukuro to visit the Head Office of a store chain named Animate and to see what kind of place it is. Animate is focused on anime, manga and game products and it’s Japan’s largest retailer of the said things.…

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