Saint Seiya anime bundle: Agaruma collection figure, Tamashii Nation Appendix and anime comics

Interested in buying this pack? email right now! ONE UNIT ONLY!! Contains: -A pvc Agaruma Collection Seiya figure with pedestal -A pvc Cygnus Cloth figure with pedestal -A pvc Libra Cloth with pedestal -A blue Pegasus Tamashii Nation Appendix Cloth -4 ultimate edition manga volumes -3 anime comic volumes from SS OVAs

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Naruto anime bundle: mini towel, ceramic cup and thermal plush holder

Interested in buying this pack? email right now! ONE UNIT ONLY!! Contains: –A towel-cloth napkin with a vacational chibi Naruto, only obtainable by traveling to Okinawa! -3 ceramic illustrated japanese cups with a very good finish -4 thermal plush holders that will maintain your drinks hot or cold,each case

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Inuyasha anime bundle, movie pamphlet, artbook and official movie fan

Interested in buying this pack? email right now! ONE UNIT ONLY!! Contains: –2 cinema pamphlets (A4 short books,not a single page pamphlet) from Inuyasha The Movie –Artbook from the movie Inuyasha –Artbook from the anime series Inuyasha –An Inuyasha The Movie fan,with an awesome presentation inside its box of with the provided pedestal!!

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Bleach Anime Bundle, gashapon, artbook, databook, scarf and cosplay pouch

Interested in buying this pack? email right now! ONE UNIT ONLY!! Contains: -A soft blue official Bleach scarf to protect you from the winds of winter (not the book :P) -A pouch to hold your phone or whatever you want with 4 possible signs,the default and 3 different divisions. -A full collection of five gashapons right now impossible to get. -An artbook from the TV anime –Vibes animation databook

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Buy Weekly Shōnen Jump One Piece Naruto Bleach Toriko anime series

Buy the last Weekly Shonen Jump of Japan THAT WEEK. Once you do your order we will automatically send you the latest issue of Shonen Jump of that week. The publisher Shueisha’s weekly with the most legendary series: One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Toriko, Reborn! Buying the WEEKLY you can enjoy the best of the current manga in Japan. Check out the latest Weekly Shonen Jump almost the same week that the japanese readers do it. An opportunity that only export-manga…

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