Manga and anime special Christmas bundles: Naruto, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin

Dear friends, from the heart of the rising sun, Japan, export-manga offers you a number of super-Christmas complete packs of manga, anime and merchandising of the more fashionable series as well as the most unforgettable. Among the Available Lots are series like Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, Evangelion, Bleach and Inuyasha. It is collecting gems and other more modern, no wasted product and many of those gems you can not find in any store and Tokyo. Almost all…

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Awesome Christmas manga, anime and merchandising super pack

Dear friends, from the heart of the rising sun, Japan, export-manga offers you a super Christmas pack/ lot of manga, anime and merchandising of the most fashionable and the most memorable manga and anime series . This lot contains old anime gems and other more modern anime series  and many of those gems can not be found in any store and Tokyo. Almost all products, photos and corresponding description are in the export-manga site ( We also will include color…

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