

4 thoughts on “サントリーFFVIIポーション

  1. energy_crash

    Estas latas son una pasada… Son la edición del año pasado, pero las ilustraciones son mejores que las de este año. Estan totalmente agotadas, y no se fabrican, y sé que es imposible conseguirlas hoy en día. Gracias por poner a la venta estas joyas… 😉

  2. aki

    Hi,in this website, all blog are written in spanish?i am afraid that many of foreignes use english language.i wish that you can write this blog in english,too.

  3. admin Post author

    Thank you my friend for your comment. Yes we are just trying to translate the blog into english and japanese, and put in all kind of articles about japanese culture and products reviews. Have you visited our homepage? http://www.export-manga.com? Is all completely translated into japanese and english! By the way where are you from my friend?

  4. aki

    i am from tokyo.and we have chatted via skype yesterday.you know?
    anyway, your website is sophisticated .


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