The Slowly Creeping Xmas

Artículo no disponible en Inglés Estadounidense. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Hyeallo! It’s already been a few days since the last post – so why not make little update, eh? Today once again, I went for a little visit to the famous Akihabara. Even after so many years it’s still one of my favorite places in Tokyo. Anime and electronics…

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Breaking the Silence

Sup, Finally back in japan! Actually I have already been here for a while… This time I’m here as an exchange student which is also my excuse for my long radio silence. But what would be a better time to break the silence than today and now ? I was really wondering what to write to the Export-Manga blog this time. So this will be a warm up! And the story begins… Last week I took part in the “Challenge…

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